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Circular Economy

We love tech here at Diatome, and we also have got a big dream.

The fashion industry has a significant environmental footprint and we want to help change that. Adopting a circular business model can help brands tackle this challenge, as it allows for maximising the value of every piece of the clothes during and after its lifetime. And not only in fashion, this applies to any brand selling durable goods!

However, turning your business model towards sustainability can seem like a mammoth task. It can be pricey and time-consuming. That’s why we created a technology that can help more brands, big and small, make the circular economy a reality!

Our technology allows brands to set up their own brand-led P2P resale programs that easily integrate with their existing product offering and is designed to be a practicable stepping stone towards the circular economy.

And it's not just about being greener. With our technology, you can maintain control over the quality of your resold items, keeping your brand's reputation solid and your customers satisfied.

We're not here to turn the world upside down overnight, but we're committed to doing our part in making fashion more sustainable, one step at a time. It’s not a race, but a journey, and we'd love for you to join us.

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